Dark Moon & Bluefire "honouring instincts""
Catalogue No.: Brev 2430
Release Date: 2024-10-31
A: Extended
AA: Original
Breathemusic is fianlly back on the scene in 2024... and they are back with a bunch of brand new and quality releases! After "Etheria" on their sibling label "Flavour", Breathemusic now proudly presents: Dark Moon & Bluefire - "Reborn"!
Bluefire aka Björn from Technoclub Frankfurt is not a new name on Breathemusic. Some may remember Bluefire - "Dreamnasia" with its amazing Photographer remix back in 2014... so now, ten years later it´s definitively time to strike back!
And this time, Bluefire is joining forces with Dark Moon, the label owners of Breathemusic to create a very unique, powerful Uplifting Trance tune featuring a dedicated and very special melody which is easily recognized on the dance floors! And which name could have been more fitting to the restart of Breathemusic than "Reborn"?!
On top of that, to celebrate the rebirth even more, the release also comes with an outstanding remix by Factoria! Recently, the name Factoria is kind of spread all over the Trance scene with outstanding remixes for Pure Trance, Lost Language, Borderline... and now also Breathemusic! As it was only a question of time until promoters took notice, Dave will be making his debut at this year´s "Luminosity Beach Festival"!
Dave has added his own interpretation of "Reborn" with a driving 140 BPM bass line, still keeping the spirit of the original melody with a different sound scape and arrangement.
So no matter which mix you choose, make sure not to miss Dark Moon & Bluefire - "Reborn".. and celebrate the rebirth with us!
Dark Moon & Bluefire - "Reborn"!
Bluefire aka Björn from Technoclub Frankfurt is not a new name on Breathemusic. Some may remember Bluefire - "Dreamnasia" with its amazing Photographer remix back in 2014... so now, ten years later it´s definitively time to strike back!
And this time, Bluefire is joining forces with Dark Moon, the label owners of Breathemusic to create a very unique, powerful Uplifting Trance tune featuring a dedicated and very special melody which is easily recognized on the dance floors! And which name could have been more fitting to the restart of Breathemusic than "Reborn"?!
On top of that, to celebrate the rebirth even more, the release also comes with an outstanding remix by Factoria! Recently, the name Factoria is kind of spread all over the Trance scene with outstanding remixes for Pure Trance, Lost Language, Borderline... and now also Breathemusic! As it was only a question of time until promoters took notice, Dave will be making his debut at this year´s "Luminosity Beach Festival"!
Dave has added his own interpretation of "Reborn" with a driving 140 BPM bass line, still keeping the spirit of the original melody with a different sound scape and arrangement.
So no matter which mix you choose, make sure not to miss Dark Moon & Bluefire - "Reborn".. and celebrate the rebirth with us!
Dark Moon & Bluefire - "Reborn"!